Population Health & Well-Being

Improve outcomes and increase workforce productivity


Taking care of your employees can be a challenge. Rising costs, a marketplace flooded with digital and virtual solutions and limited time and resources to develop and deploy effective strategies can all have an impact on you and your employees’ health care.

How We Can Help

The Population Health Consulting team brings specialists to help you improve health outcomes, reduce costs and increase workforce productivity. We “look under the hood” to understand your pain points, cost drivers and the effectiveness of existing programs. We leverage our Innovation Hub to navigate the vast array of digital health solutions and develop a strategic roadmap to address your unique needs alongside plan design and performance.

office floor filled with teammates


Standard Consulting Services
• Assess your current programs and engagement strategies
• Analysis of claims to identify your specific costs and productivity drivers
• Three-year roadmap with recommendations tailored to your needs
• Specialized vendor tools to help select the best vendor for your needs
• Engagement strategy for communication and incentive programs
• Performance dashboard and annual review
• Vendor implementation advice and support

Premium Consulting Services
• Clinical assessments of carrier/TPA case management programs
• Onsite clinic feasibility assessments and vendor oversight
• Custom vendor RFPs, evaluation and selection
• Vendor implementation management and periodic performance review

Ready to bring a new perspective to population health?

Contact us for more information.