Case Study
Building a Sustainable Post-Pandemic Strategy

The Request
Customer Profile
Industry & Size: Technology company with 3,000+ employees; multiple locations in U.S. and globally
Workforce: Various job functions with some essential to be in-person, others able to work remotely
Policy: Had short-term COVID-19 policy; office mostly shut down, employees wanted to return to the office and wanted clarity on future policy
- How to return to the office safely
- Need a sustainable, long-term strategy to include testing, vaccination requirements and analytics for re-opening
- RFP support for vendors that can:
- Track vaccination status
- Supply, track and administer tests
- Contact trace

The Solution
- Introduced key monitoring and control measures based on risk mitigation, uniquely tailored to the specific employer’s population and culture
- Conducted RFP process for tracking, testing and contact tracing vendors
- Developed evidence-based guidance based on a gap analysis and risk tolerance, providing benchmarking for how other similarly-situated employers are responding to the pandemic
- Created an employee communication strategy

The Results
- Received positive endorsement by Executive Leadership Team for a decision rubric based on community transmission data
- Hosted a webinar on vaccine hesitancy with 67% of employees participating and positive reviews
- RFP resulted in identifying current technology partners that could also assist in tracking vaccinations at no additional cost, as well as a new partnership with a testing vendor
- Defined policies and protocols that allowed for broad office re-opening
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