Employee Benefits

W-2 Reporting Issues for Health and Welfare Benefit Plans

W-2 Reporting Issues for Health and Welfare Benefit Plans

As employers begin gearing up for the upcoming W-2 deadline (employee W-2 earnings statements are due January 31, 2024), they should keep in mind certain health and welfare benefits-related information that must be included on the W-2 forms they provide their employees. Common employee benefit reporting issues that employers generally encounter include the following:
  • How to determine and report the applicable premium for health coverage;
  • Reporting of employer-provided group-term life insurance;
  • Treatment of benefits provided to domestic partners, if applicable;
  • Dependent Care Assistance Plan (DCAP) benefits reporting;
  • Employer contributions to Health Savings Accounts (HSAs); and
  • Reporting of third-party sick pay (disability) benefits.
Additional details are contained in the document you can access and share with your customers and prospects by clicking below.
Regulatory and Legislative Strategy Group