Help curb FMLA abuse by learning common mistakes that employers make that can allow for FMLA abuse and create liability for employers who are not administering FMLA requests appropriately.
Angela A. Ripper, Assistant Vice President and Managing Counsel for Unum Group, will cover:
- Improperly determining eligibility
- “Deeming” employees FMLA eligible
- Failure to provide required notices
- Using a calendar year 12-month period
- Failure to calculate leave entitlement appropriately
- Failure to properly designate FMLA time
- Inappropriate use of medical certifications
- Failure to request a new certification and redetermine eligibility in a new leave year
- Improper use of recertification
- Failure to monitor intermittent leaves closely
7:30 – 8:30 AM Hot Breakfast and Registration
8:30 – 9:45 AM Presentation
9:45 – 10:00 AM Q&A