Emerging Compliance & Employment Law

Brown & Brown Q2 Employee Benefits Seminar


Legal and regulatory aspects of employer-sponsored health and welfare benefit programs are notoriously complex and confusing. Compliance rules for these plans seem to change continuously. Audits by government agencies can result in huge penalties for employers that are out of compliance with ERISA, the Affordable Care Act, the Tax Code, HIPAA and other laws. This informative presentation will bring clarity and insight to these challenging concepts and help equip HR and benefits professionals to effectively manage risk in this critical area.

Consulting Team:  

  • Lincoln E. Baker, Employee Benefits Advisor  
  • Stephen Stanton Jr., Employee Benefits Advisor 
  • Matthew Dunn, SVP – Employee Benefits Leader 


Thursday, June 27th, 2024

11:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Lunch will be provided


Brown & Brown

1661 Worthington Rd, STE 175, West Palm Beach, FL 33409

Derek received a B.A. in Divinity from NorthPoint Bible College and also earned the Group Benefits Associate (GBA), Compensation Management Specialist (CMS), and Certified Employee Benefit Specialist (CEBS) designations through the International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans and the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. After joining Medcom in 2012, he directed the company’s Compliance & Actuarial Division for over seven years and now supports Medcom’s top brokerage partners as a compliance consulting, training, and business development leader. 
An in-demand speaker and host of Medcom’s popular year-round “Compliance Recharge” series, Derek informs and entertains while delivering practical insights tailored to the interests of HR and Benefits professionals nationwide. 

This program is approved for:

2 SHRM Credits

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